Guidelines for conduct of Events and Activities at INCAS Chapter locations |
In order to promote bonding among the members and to facilitate professional growth, INCAS conducts various events and activities. These guidelines are intended to ensure smooth conduct of such events and activities.
The objectives of these events and activities are:
To promote bonding and feeling of fraternity among members;
- To provide a platform for sharing professional experiences;
- conduct programs for the professional development of the members; and
- To provide opportunity for networking among the members;
The guidelines mentioned below are to be followed by all the Chapters for the smooth and effective conduct of the events and activities:
- At each Chapter, the Chapter Executive Committee (CEC) will deliberate on the events and activities, to be conducted taking into consideration the aspirations of its members, resources and the funds available.
- Normally each chapter will conduct an event or activity once every quarter. All the events and activities are to be planned in advance and approved in the CEC meeting. The events planned for the next quarter should be reflected in the minutes of CEC Meeting.
- The nature of events and activities to be conducted are given below:
- Re-union Meetings/Get-together
- Picnics
- Seminars
- SIP Awards Function
- Sports Meets
- Cultural Nites
- Musical Nites
- Mini-Events
- Other Social Activities
The nature of events and activities mentioned above are not exhaustive and more may be added in future.
- These events and activities are described in detail in subsequent sections.
- The Relationship Officer at a Chapter is responsible for getting the approval of the CEC for the event/activity, planning, making required arrangements and ensuring smooth conduct of the same.
- The Relationship Officer at a Chapter is also responsible for sending the budget for the event/activity to the approving authority and seeking funds on time for the conduct of the event/activity.
- The Relationship Officer at a Chapter shall budget and requisition funds in the prescribed format 21 days prior to the event/activity. The proposal shall include a copy of the resolution passed by the CEC, quotations received for major expenses like Hall Rent, Food, Transport etc and the manner of funding proposed. The Budget proposal should be scrutinized and approved by the Regional Head.
- The expenditure for the events/activities conducted by a Chapter is normally met in the following manner:
- The amount is allocated from INCAS funds in full;
- The amount is funded in part by INCAS and partly by contributions from the participating members, and
- The amount is funded partly by INCAS and partly by way of contributions from the interested members and also through sponsorships by reputed companies/individuals arranged by the Chapter.
The guidelines on the pattern of funding an event or an activity would be issued by HQ from time to time. It is suggested that for quarterly alumni events, contributions from members/sponsors should not be encouraged.
- Where an event/activity is to be funded partly by the contributions from members or by sponsorships from companies/individuals, such contributions should be so planned that they are received prior to the conduct of the event. All such contributions should be properly accounted for and official receipts issued in the name of INCAS to the contributing member/agency.
- The Relationship Officer at the Chapter may seek suitable advance from the Regional Accounts Officer(RAO) to conduct the event /activity. Such advances will generally be released subject to the following conditions:
- Prior budgetary approval being obtained from the INCAS (HQ);
- Quotations are received and scrutinized for the proposed expenditure and are found to be satisfactory; and
- There is no outstanding advance with the Relationship Officer on the date of seeking fresh advance.
- After conducting the event/activity, the Relationship Officer should submit the minutes of CEC Meet /Event and also submit the accounts of the expenditure incurred to CEC along with the photographs taken on the occasion. Relationship Officer at a Chapter must settle the bills promptly and send a statement of account in 10 days from the date of the event/activity to RAO at Regional Office, with a copy to INCAS (HQ).
- The statement of account may be submitted for vetting /audit by the Internal Audit Executive at the RO regularly. The amount expended should be within the budget approved. In case of any deviation, explanation should be furnished giving reasons for deviation and post-facto approval should be sought from the Regional Head for the excess expenditure.
- The Regional Head should approve the expenditure incurred before it is reported to INCAS (HQ).
- The participants in the event would normally include the members. On certain occasions such as re-union gatherings, family get-togethers, etc. members of the family may also join. However, family here means the spouse and children of the member.
- Duration of alumni event should normally be for one day. Annual maga-events conducted at national and zonal level may be for duration of two days. However, events/activities at Chapters for more than one day may be permitted by the INCAS (HQ) based on the merits of the case.
- At each event or activity, the Relationship Officer at Chapter shall arrange for photographs of printable quality and send them to the INCAS (HQ). He will be responsible for the quality of photographs and therefore, should ensure that only good local photographers are engaged.
- He shall also send a one page report on the proceedings of the event or activity which will be sent within 10 days to the RO and INCAS (HQ).
- The Relationship Officer at a Chapter shall also arrange media coverage for the event or activity and send copies of such coverage to the INCAS (HQ), along with the event report.
- All events and activities should be conducted within the specified budgets.
- The Relationship Officer at a Chapter must always maintain a proper file / record of all the approvals, bills, reports, etc. for records at the respective chapter.
- Every endeavor should be made to ensure that the activities conducted are in a safe and secure environment. While the organizers should take all precautions necessary for the safety of the participants, it should be made clear that the alumni members are responsible for themselves and INCAS shall not be responsible for any untoward incident, risk, loss or other consequences, at the events / activities
Types of Events/Activities:
The INCAS events and activities are conceived for the benefit of its members. The events and activities described below are not exhaustive. New events and activities may be added in course of time. Some of the events and activities are outdoor, while some may be conducted indoors. The CEC shall, depending on the aspirations and convenience of the members, decide on conducting the events and activities that would satisfy a majority of its members.
- Re-union Meetings/Get-togethers: These meeting are held at an outside venue. The objective is to provide a suitable opportunity for members to get connected/ networked. Generally family members are also encouraged to participate in these meetings.
- Picnics:These activities are conducted for promoting bonding among the members and to provide them a break from their normal routine. These are generally effective when the number of participants is limited.
- Seminars: The objective of seminars is to provide exposure to the members in emerging fields and to update their knowledge. Seminars are conducted by inviting industry specialists or academicians of good standing, on topics of current relevance.
- SIP Awards: INCAS felicitates winners of SIP performance. The awards are given away for students and faculty guides, who have performed well in SIP at a suitable function.
- Movie shows: This activity is conducted occasionally for providing an opportunity to bring the members together. The movie selected should be good and the venue easily accessible.
- Sports Meets: This is an event which helps members interested in sports to participate and meet other members. This is also an event which could be conducted jointly with the INC so that students on campus also get a chance to meet their seniors.
- Cultural Nites /Musical Nites: Cultural/Musical Nites are organized to entertain members and to provide them an opportunity to unwind themselves.
- Mini-Events: Several alumni members, though interested, may be unable to attend such events due to the distance from Chapter locations. Mini-Events which can be organized on weekends/holidays so that even the members working/living in such a location and others who come back to their hometowns on weekends/holidays can participate and enjoy such events as a privileged member.
- Social Activities: INCAS shall contribute through its members to the society by undertaking and participating in socially responsible activities such as blood donation camps, adult education camps, sponsoring education of poor children etc. Such social activities may be conducted by INCAS on its own or in association with other organizations having similar objectives.
These guidelines shall come into the force with immediate effect.