Home April 2009
INC Alumni Society Magazine


CEC Meet Vijayawada Chapter

The Vijayawada Chapter held the CEC Meet on
December 21, 2008.

Alumni Meet Mumbai
The Mumbai Chapter organized an alumni meet, for the first time, exclusively for the alumnae on December 6, 2008 at INC Vashi. Prof. Lakshmi Mohan, Campus Head, presided over the meeting. A total of nine alumnae participated in the gettogether and felt very excited that a meeting was conducted solely for them. The event with by an invocation dance presented by a student of INCVashi. Then the alumni proceeded for the management games wherein they participated with lot of enthusiasm. Later they discussed various issues related to women and the problems and difficulties experienced by them.

Earlier, all the participants paid their homage to the NSG staff, Mumbai police and the people who died on November 26, 2008 during the terrorist attacks, by observing two minutes silence. Also, the women staff of INC-Vashi participated in the get-together and felt very happy for the initiative taken by INCAS to conduct a woman-oriented program. All in all, the event was a grand success.

Alumni Meet Gurgaon

The Gurgaon Chapter organized an alumni meet on December 13, 2008 at Dilli Haat, Delhi. It served as a platform for the alumni members of Gurgaon Chapter to relive their old memories. The members went down their memory lane to remember their college days and also shared their experiences in both professional and personal lives. They praised the initiative taken by the INCAS to conduct frequent gettogethers and expressed hope that more sports meets and movie shows will be organized in the future. A total of 20 alumni participated in the event and made it a grand success.

Alumni Meet Panchkula
The Panchkula Chapter organized an alumni meet on December 31, 2008 at INC-Ludhiana. The meeting was christened Anusmruthi '08. A total of 36 alumni participated in the get-together and shared sweet memories about their INC days. It served as a forum for those who were present to exchange their news and views and connect themselves with their fellow alumni elsewhere in the country.

Alumni Meet Vijayawada

The Vijayawada Chapter organized an alumni meet on December 21, 2008. It proved an occasion for those present to socialize with one another. They lauded the activities of INCAS and also felt that it provided a platform to interact with their fellow alumni elsewhere in the country.

It was all fun and frolic when several alumni celebrated their birthdays. All the alumni who participated in the event unanimously decided to contribute good articles, short write-ups etc., to the monthly magazine INCAS Network. The meeting ended with a delicious dinner. A total of 32 alumni participated in the event and made it a grand success.

Alumni Meet Lucknow

The Lucknow Chapter organized an alumni meet exclusively for the alumnae on December 14, 2008 at the Regional Office, Lucknow, to motivate the participation of women in such get-togethers. The alumnae who gathered there exchanged their views on women related issues and shared their experiences both in their personal and professional lives. They enthusiastically participated in the funfilled games like Antakshari, etc. They went nostalgic about the

INC days and felt very excited about their remembrances. Along with the women participants, Syed Rumman Ahmed, President, CEC also participated in the get-together. They all actively celebrated the birthday of Ankur Tandon, a CEC member. The members felt very happy and confessed that they had never relaxed for such a long time because of their day-to-day busy work schedules. They were all praise for INCAS for arranging such events which are both fun-filled and informative.

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