Think Pad
It Makes
a Difference

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I... I took the one less traveled
by, and that has made all the difference.
- Robert Frost
An early morning, a wise old man was standing on the
beach throwing back the fish that had washed
ashore in the night. The man was old and weak. Each
throw took a little more energy out of the man, but he kept on
throwing. The beach was covered with many fish and so one
could hardly take a step and not find another dying fish. A
young man approached the shoreline and asked the old man,
"what are you doing?" He replied, "I'm making a difference."
The young man looked around and laughed. "A difference?
There are probably thousands of fish on this beach; you can't
possibly think you will make a difference." The old man picked
up another fish and said "It makes a difference to this one..."
and threw it back into the sea.
If one wishes to make a change, the commitment should go
deeper than volunteering. We should have the guts to leave
the secure and stable havens of the established arena, courage
to break the rules and challenge the stereotypes. It may be a
big leap, but we should go ahead. Throughout the centuries
there are men who took their first steps, down new roads
armed with nothing but their own new vision. The saying
'amateurs build the ark and professionals build the titanic'
should be borne in mind. Then we can work wonders.
- Nagamani