
with INC
Hello! This is Aastha
Tyagi of INC Jammu
(2006), working in
INC- Jalandhar as Junior
Faculty Member. I am
so passionate about my
stay in college and like
to share my
experiences with you.
It was a cherished
relationship with INC
and that still continues.
My e-mail id:
The famous
metaphysical poet,
Andrew Marvell
had once said "But, at my
back I hear, Time's winged
chariots hurrying near...",
which made a deep
impression on my mind.
However, the profoundness
of this thought dawned on
me when I sat down to write
my experiences for our
magazine. I realized how
time had really flown by!
Yes, I was just entering the
classroom with my role
completely reversed! The
same-old-me, with an allnew
Well, coming to the personal
aspects of my life, I have a
wonderful family which is not
just limited to parents,
brothers and sisters but
extends to my friends, my
colleagues and everyone
around me. This extended
family gives me a sense of
belonging, concern, affection,
security, trust and all other
wonderful emotions one can
experience. My dad is a
senior army officer, well
partnered by my mother and
complimented by my younger
brother, to complete a
"happy family".
Life after INC has been as
eventful as it was while I was
at Jammu. I did get my share
of thrills at my first job, a
corporate at Delhi. The
exposure was healthy and
quite enriching. But then, I
realized that this wasn't
exactly what I yearned for,
not exactly what I wanted.
Hence, I quit my job and
took a well-deserved break
after some hard days of
overwork. A little bit of
introspection led me back to
academics at INC. And,
here I have been
contributing as effectively as
I can, as a faculty!
Balance between work and
home came as naturally as
it could. Since I do not have
many desires, peace
prevails between work and
All hours are leisure hours for
me! I enjoy every moment of
my job and my 'idle' state! But,
I do indulge myself in reading,
listening and watching good
movies etc.
Well, about friends at INC, I
take pride to say that each
and everyone in my class
was, and is my friends.
Friends! To end up, do keep
in your mind, the famous
"The woods are lovely, dark
and deep, but I have
promises to keep, and miles
to go before I sleep.
All the Best!
Aastha Tyagi
INC Jammu (2006)
"Do Everything to The Best
of Your Ability"

Hi! This is Ankit
Bhatt of INC
Vadodara (2007),
working in Reliance
Communications as
Deputy Manager. I am
so excited to share
some of my childhood,
college and postcollege
with you.
My e-mail id:
My life journey
started on April
30, 1984 - my date
of birth. My father, Yogeshbhai
N Bhatt, works as a Financial
Analyst in PC Strop Pvt Ltd. My
mother, Lata Y Bhatt, is a tutor.
My brother, Dilesh Y Bhatt, is
pursuing his degree in
Mechanical Engineering. Very
shortly, our family will have a
new entrant, my wife, Ila
Prajapati. She works with
Bharti Axa Life Insurance as a
Sales Manager. We got engaged
and will soon be married.
That was all about my personal
life. Now let me share my INC
days with you. I came to
Baroda from a small industrial
town, Vapi, with a clear dream
in my mind, i.e., to make my
presence felt in the college.
Thus I started interacting with
new faces, shared my past
experiences with them, helped
people around me, made
friends with many people and
started building good
relationships with everybody.
Added to that, I was guided by
a good team of faculty
members and had an excellent
support from our Principal. But
still, life was not that easy as I
had to manage all things myself.
Life was rolling on. That was
the last semester of my MBA
program and it was placement
time. I got selected in the
preliminary rounds of every
company which came for
campus selections, but for
reasons unknown, was not
chosen by any of them finally.
The situation was so
embarrassing and frustrating.
But I never lost hope. Mr.
Umesh Pandya, Campus
Head, INC-Vadodara and my
fiancée consoled me and
instilled the necessary
courage and confidence in me.
And it was the last day of the
placement activity and I was
nervous, as well as excited, as
it was my last chance to get
selected for any company
through campus selections.
By God's grace, I got selected
in Hutchison Essar Limited. I
was among the few who were
I was so excited and joined
Hutchison Essar Limited. But
it did not take me much time
to realize that the corporate
sector is not a 'bed of roses'. It
was all a different world. It
was just the opposite of what
I had perceived about it. One
must possess a competitive
nature to survive in such a
world. There, we come
across several Ankits like me,
who are smarter and more
experienced. So I changed my
perspective towards life and
developed the habit of
learning from others'
experiences. I started
interacting with everybody -
my subordinates, my peers
and my superiors.
My career with Hutchison
Essar started growing and my
cool, calm and uncomplaining
nature, fetched me the right
results. I had 4 distributors,
18 salesmen and 650 retail
outlets in my team. My target
was very high. My job
became strenuous. At times,
there were sleepless nights
also. But I handled it tactfully.
I was declared one of the five
Best Channel Managers in
Gujarat circle. In spite of my
busy work schedule, because
of the job satisfaction, my life
was smooth, until my new
boss entered the scene.
Somehow we could not get
along well as there were
difference of opinions
between us officially. Things
became topsy-turvy in the
office and eventually I had to
leave Essar and join ING
Vyasa. From there I shifted
to Reliance Communications,
where I have been working
since then. People say that
they leave their companies
but I say they don't leave their
companies but leave their
So, friends, be composed and
always bear in mind that
"professionalism in its true
sense means doing everything
to the best of your ability."
All the best!
Ankit Bhatt
INC -Vadodara (2007)

Qualities Shilpa Singhal
INC-Chandigarh (2008)
(e-mail: shilu_singhal@yahoo.
The co-curricular events and
activities in any institution play
a vital role in the overall
development of the students.
They help in recognizing the
latent abilities of the students
and increase their confidence
levels. By participating in the
events and activities, the
students learn to take extra
responsibilities. The events and
activities at INC give us a
chance to display our
leadership qualities as well as,
our organizational abilities.
Vinod P. Sulunkhe
INC–Pune (2007) (e-mail id:
Our softskills lessons in college
helped a lot in dealing with the
day to day customers. I was
awarded the Best Customer
Service Manager (East Zone),
which acted as a great
motivator. During my first year in
the organization, important
changes in economy, company
policies, and ups and downs in
the insurance market were all
happening. But learning did not
cease and will never, thanks to
my 2 years at INC. I realize that
learning is endless and change is
a continuous process. Thanks to
my mentors both in the college
and my office, I have been able to
move with the tide so far, face
the hurdles and overcome them.
Shruti Wadhwa
INC-Ahmedabad (2008) (e-mail: shrutiwadhwa31
INC provides 100% campus
placement, which is a
challenging task for any
institution. Companies from
different sectors come for
recruitment with very good
packages, which keep
improving every year. The
placement process at INC is
well-structured. Students are
divided into groups based on
various parameters like
communication skills,
confidence level, conceptual
knowledge etc. Then they are
groomed and trained
rigorously to fare well in the